Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Week 8: Microsite Concept

We got into groups of three and my group members are Hannah and Rachel. 

Seems we are allowed to use an event from the previous assignment, we decided on my music festival which was "Woodland Wonders". I was thrilled upon the decision because I enjoyed designing the poster and now I get to develop the whole concept further.

So what makes a microsite "cool" and attractive? I went to look for some clues in featured and top-listed microsites. Those sites contain very beautiful illustrations and graphics. Most importantly, what made me stay and browse for a longer period of time is the interactivity the page offered to the visitors. Whether it is interacting via cursor gestures, scrolling, or even automated motions, it made me want to see and explore more ; even if I wasn't interested in the event or product in the first place.

So how can Woodland Wonders' microsite provide information that is easy to navigate, obtain information, and at the same time give visitors a good experience? The venue of the concert was taken note of and soon after, a concept came to mind.

The concept was proposed to my group members and they agreed upon it.

Here is a brief explanation of how it will work:

1. The microsite will take visitors through an eye-level view of a long straight path in the forest. It starts from the entrance of the forest to the concert's stage as they scroll.

2. Along the way, information of the event will appear in sequenced panels that fades in and out as they 'walk' through it.

We did some sketches, note, and proposed the idea to our lecturer. He asked us to do more research on the style and technical side of it (how will it look when it scrolls, what moves first, etc.)

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